100% Guarantee of ProClean Carpet & Tile Cleaning
Any major city offers dozens of carpet cleaning options – so how do you pick the right one? At ProClean Carpet & tile Cleaning, we make the choice easy. With our 30-
day, 100% Clean Carpet Guarantee you can rest assured that you’ll get the results you want without going over your budget. We guarantee that we’ll clean your carpets to your complete satisfaction, or we will return and re-clean your carpets at no cost. That’s how ProClean Lovers are born! We make sure our customers are thrilled with their results each and every time.
Our commitment is to make you happy about your service selection. That’s a promise we uphold not just for your initial cleaning but for every visit we make over the years ahead. Your satisfaction is our driving force, which is why we use the most advanced and eco-friendly cleaning methods available. ProClean Carpet & tile Cleaning in Whittier CA guarantee fresher carpets which dry quickly and are safe for kids and pets, We offers a unique service that other cleaning companies just can’t match.
Unlimited One-Year Carpet Cleaning Service
ProClean Carpet & tile Cleaning Services in Whittier CA is the only carpet cleaner that gives you a one-year carpet cleaning warranty. Call and have us re-clean at just $7 per room for an entire year. This service is truly unlimited, so call us any time that you spill, stain, or just miss the scent of our fresh citrus carpet cleaner.100% Clean Carpet Guarantee
We guarantee to clean your carpets to your complete satisfaction, or we will return and re-clean your carpets at no cost. That’s what we promise with our 30-day, 100% Clean Carpet Guarantee. Unlike Most Carpet Cleaners, Carpet Stains are Included in the Price of a Cleaning All surface stains are included as part of ProClean Carpet & Tile Cleaning to ensure the highest standard of excellence for our customers. However, some stains may need extra, extensive treatments. - If you ever have a problem with your service, call us right away! We hate to have unsatisfied customers and will do everything we can to correct the problem and make you happy.
ProClean’s Location
ProClean Carpet & Tile Cleaning
13121 Philadelphia St
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 354-0003
Office Hours
Mo-Fr: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sa: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
So: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.